
Release Dates for Books, Movies and others:

If your favorite book, movie, or even TV series is missing from the calendar or simply want me to add it, please let me know on the comments section; I'll be more than glad to add it.

For Books: I'll need the book's Title, if possible - series it belongs to, and the Author.
Example: Inheritance (The Inheritance Cycle, Book 4) by Christopher Paolini

For Movie's or TV series: I'll need The movie or program's Name/Title and the Channel which will present it, and either a short description or some key word.
Example: Once Upon a Time; ABC channel; fairy tales come to life, drama, new series.

For Others: (Games, Graphic Novels, author's interviews and stuff)
Just like above, Name/Title; Author/Creator; Genre; and/or any sort of information that can help me search and identify your request.

DISCLAIMER: The calendar is meant to track the release dates of various works such as books, movies programs, even games and other related projects. I reserve the right to post the requested content depending on the nature of the request itself.

A Special Shout Out and Thanks to Katya from My Vampire Obsession, a Goodreads Group. She has been creating a monthly list with many Paranormal books that will be released in said month. I've been adding them to my calendar which in turn shows them here. So Katya, thank you very much for your hard work, I personally don't know how you find so many books. I've discovered some great reads from those lists and many books have piqued my interest. 


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